Abdominoplasty or “bum lipo” is an abdominoplasty surgery procedure used to improve the appearance of the abdomen by removing excess skin and excess fat. This surgery is usually performed on patients who are overweight and who want to eliminate unsightly abdominal fat and skin.

Abdominal liposuction involves removing the skin and fat in the lower and middle abdomen. In addition, it may also involve removing excess skin from around the rectum and anus. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, although some patients are able to tolerate sedation. The surgeon uses local or general anesthesia for the procedures, depending on the patient’s preferences.

Patients who are undergoing this procedure typically do not feel any pain during the procedure; however, the patient may feel a slight discomfort afterwards. During the recovery period, patients are usually confined to bed for a few days.

After the surgery, the patient may experience minor bruising and swelling. Recovery may take several weeks. However, most patients report no discomfort and no pain during the initial weeks after the surgery. Some patients may experience mild discomfort while they are recovering from this procedure, but these patients usually do not require any special treatment.

Patients who have undergone this procedure will typically experience minimal to moderate pain for the first several days. A mild to moderate amount of discomfort may be experienced in patients who have undergone this procedure several years ago. As time goes by, patients may begin to experience some mild to moderate pain after the procedure. Pain relief may last from several hours to several days. In many cases, patients can resume normal activities within one to two days of their surgery.

During the surgical procedure, a small incision will be made around the pubic area and the navel to allow the surgeon to create a small pocket. Within the pocket, the surgeon will then make several small cuts around the abdominal muscles. After creating a small pocket, the surgeon will then use staples to hold the abdominal skin in place and to close the surgical site. The scars from the surgery are not visible unless the patients choose to undergo surgical excision debridement.

Patients may also opt to receive additional procedures after having their abdominal liposuction procedure. These procedures include liposuction along with an abdominoplasty, which is known as “super-abdominoplasty“. If you have an abdominal obesity problem, you may want to consider a tummy tuck procedure to treat the problem, or to improve your overall appearance. The abdominoplasty procedure is done in conjunction with a liposuction procedure. The abdominoplasty can be done alone, but the liposuction may be combined with another surgery.

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure today and more people are choosing it than ever before. Because liposuction works to remove excess fat, scars, loose skin, or pockets, it is less painful and scarring is minimal. With the newer liposuction techniques and methods, patients can experience less pain. In fact, this type of procedure may be a solution for those who are considering liposuction because it is less painful and does not require a large incision.

Patients may also opt to get an extra liposuction procedure in order to improve their appearance and feel better about themselves. Most people who have experienced the benefits of having liposuction will tell you that their self-esteem has increased significantly. Patients who are interested in this procedure should talk to their doctor about possible options. Because liposuction does not require an extensive incision, it does not need anesthetic and is usually painless.

The procedure takes about four to six hours and requires one to two visits with the patient. The patient is advised to rest for about 24 hours prior to the procedure and then can begin light exercise, which allows the surgeon to clean the abdominal muscles with warm water and Epsom salts. In order to get maximum results, patients should avoid alcohol for at least one to two weeks prior to undergoing any type of surgery.

Patients should consult with their Atlanta plastic surgeon like Dr R Morgan Davoudi at Atlantic Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery before deciding on a liposuction option. Patients should make sure that they are healthy and able to safely undergo this type of procedure before undergoing any type of surgical procedure. It is always a good idea to consult with a plastic surgeon who is familiar with both liposuction techniques.

Many patients will go on to become very happy with their treatment and they will not regret any decision that they make regarding this type of surgical treatments. By getting multiple consultations with surgeons and getting pre-surgical counseling, patients are assured that they will get the results that they want.

Atlantic Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery
258 Pharr Rd NE #4
Atlanta, GA 30305
(770) 817-9999