A roofer and crew work on putting in new roofing shingles. Small local business serving local families in Washington State.

Summer is the perfect opportunity to get outside and check your roof for any signs of damage that may have occurred in recent months and could require repair.

We would NEVER recommend that an untrained individual goes up on their roof using a ladder or similar, and detailed examinations should always be conducted by a professional roofing contractor.

However, a quick ground-based inspection, using binoculars if required, will allow you to identify most problems that could escalate into a major headache in the future.

Here are 7 signs to look for that indicate that your roof may require some TLC this summer to keep it in tip-top condition:

1. Missing tiles

Visually examine every single roof tile on your home, checking for cracks, misalignment, or even tiles that are missing completely.

A missing tile is a major problem that requires immediate remedial work as it will allow water to seep into your home, causing major problems involving damp and rot.

If water gets into your timber roof supports and causes them to rot, this can put the entire structure of your home in danger and will lead to extremely expensive repairs.

To avoid this worse case scenario, have any missing tiles replaced by a professional as soon as possible after you spot one.

2. Sagging

Have a look at the ridge line of your roof, is it sagging?

Over time, all roofs will naturally sag to some extent, but if yours appears to be sagging significantly more than that of your neighbours you might have an issue.

If you are concerned, take a picture of the roof-line and send it to your local roofing professional.

They will be able to quickly put your mind at rest and let you know that you have nothing to worry about or recommend that further investigation is done to identify the root cause.

3. Lumpy surfaces

Roofs are designed to be uniform so odd bumps could indicate an underlying issue.

If you notice lumps and bumps have started to appear that were not there before, it is a good idea to have a specialist roof survey done.

This may sound like a serious event, but in reality, is just another name for getting a professional to go up on your roof and take a good look at what is going on.

4. Gutter damage

Using binoculars, check all the gutters around your home for signs of blockages or damage.

You might think that you would need to be above the height of your gutters to examine them properly but many of the signs of an issue can actually be spotted from below.

Look out for leaves and twigs sticking out over the side that could indicate a major blockage.

You should also examine the brackets that support the gutters themselves as if these have started to come away it might not be long until the whole gutter comes crashing to earth.

5. Chimney stack damage

Check both the bricks and flashing on your chimney (using your trusty binoculars once more) for any signs of wear and tear.

Chimney damage is a particularly urgent problem if you have an open fireplace or stove that is in active use.

Even if you do not, a cracked brick could easily fall onto your roof, creating a major safety hazard were it to fall off the roof and potentially cause a range of other issues by damaging your tiling.

6. Don’t forget your trees

If your property is surrounded by mature trees that are tall enough to overhang your property, the risk of falling branches is very real.

Check that all branches are at least 10ft away from your home to reduce the risks of finding their way onto your roof in a storm and remove any which have become dead or started to decay.

A professional tree surgeon will be able to safely cut back any threatening branches, making sure that both your trees and home live in perfect harmony for many years to come.

7. Damp

Dampness in and around the home is never good, and a faulty roof is often the cause.

For this check, you won’t even need to leave your home, simply venture up into the attic and look for damp patched, discolouration, and signs of mould growth.

A strange smell coming from your attic space could also indicate dampness is present, or that a pest species such as pigeons have managed to gain access, both of which require further investigation.

Call a professional

If you have identified any of the signs mentioned in this article it is time to call a professional roofing company like

By having any minor problems resolved this summer you will ensure that your home is watertight and safe for when the inclement weather inevitably returns.